SADEA’s outreach efforts involve presenting at various design industry and academic conferences across the U.S. We are always grateful for the opportunity to use these platforms as avenues for broader participation and interdisciplinary dialogue beyond the SADEA community.
MAY 2024
Collecting Graphic Design: The State of Affairs | National UCDA Design Education Summit: IMMERSE
Arizona State University Polytechnic Campus, Arizona
Brockett Horne (Panel Chair), Archana Shekara, Roshanak Keyghobadi, Mary Yang
Eclipsed by other forms of material culture, Graphic Design is now ripe for collecting. To preserve the valuable contributions that designers have made to the cultural consciousness of the 20th and early 21st century, collecting and sharing with the public is urgent. Moderated by Brockett Horne of The People’s Graphic Design Archive, this panel featured multiple important collections that preserve, analyze, and share valuable designed objects. Panelists described their unique efforts as educators and archivists, highlighting the overlap between design education and collecting.
MARCH 2024
Fostering Inclusivity and Belonging through SADEA | Satellite MACAA Conference
Auburn University, Alabama
Archana Shekara (Panel Chair), Garima Thakur, Amrita Datta, Muhammad Rahman
The panelists from SADEA shared their mission and goals on how the organization is elevating the unique creativity emerging from South Asia and its diaspora in a global context.
Dichotomizing Pluralities: Visual Cultures of the Indian Subcontinent | 111th Annual CAA Annual Conference
College Art Association, New York
Neeta Verma (Panel Chair), Archana Shekara (Discussant), Aasavari Kulkarni, Arun Mascanrenhas, Shantanu Suman
With a tortuous and complicated history, India today stands at the confluence of several years of assimilation of cultures that poured into the land over the centuries. Of these, the two most significant are the Mughals that ruled India roughly from 1526 to 1857, and then the British, that colonized the country from 1858 to 1947. The panel examined this confluence of influences and the impact these two specific periods had on the centuries-old traditions of language, and communication through a process of assimilation to arrive at the visual cultures that have emerged today in the Indian subcontinent.
MAY 2022
Seeking Allyship to Redefine Agency for International Faculty and Student Success | National UCDA Design Education Summit: AGENCY
East Tennessee State University, Tennessee
Shantanu Suman (Panel Chair), Archana Shekara, Garima Thakur, Nikhil Ghodke
The panel addressed adversities experienced by international design faculty who arrived in the United States to pursue a graduate degree as students and are trying to (re)establish their Agency while navigating through conventional academic structures.
Stay tuned for future presentations!